Salon Booking Software.

Make your salon run smoother with NeetoCal’s easy-to-use online booking system.

Salon <br className='hidden md:block' />Booking<br className='hidden md:block' /> Software.

Quick beauty appointments.

Say goodbye to the hassle of scheduling. NeetoCal makes it super easy for your clients to book their beauty sessions online. No more endless phone calls or emails, clients can see when your stylists are available and book right away.

VIP client experience.

With automated reminders and easy rescheduling, NeetoCal ensures a seamless experience for your clients, helping them stay on top of their beauty appointments. Clients will appreciate the convenience of managing their bookings online, and you'll enjoy fewer no-shows and cancellations.

Know your client better.

Know your clients on a deeper level with NeetoCal’s custom questions feature. Before their appointment, you can ask specific questions about their preferences, hair or skin type, and any special requests. This helps you prepare for their visit, ensuring a personalized experience that makes each client feel valued and understood.

Key Features

Personalized booking page

Show off your salon’s style with a customized booking page. Highlight your services, share special offers, and display your availability in a professional way.

Set up recurring appointments

For your loving clients, who often require multiple sessions. Schedule recurring appointments ahead of time to ensure uninterrupted services.

Custom questions for bookings

Get to know your clients better by adding custom questions to the booking process to prepare for their appointments and provide personalized service.

Social media integration

Turn your social media followers into clients. Share your booking page on Instagram or Facebook profiles, so people can book appointments directly from your social media pages.

Automated reminders

Help your clients remember their appointments with automated email and SMS reminders. These reminders reduce no-shows and keep your schedule up to date.

Secure online payments

Make payments easy and secure. With NeetoCal, clients can pay for their sessions online when they book, giving them a smooth and hassle-free experience

Book sessions with ease.

Let clients book appointments anytime, even outside of business hours. NeetoCal’s round-the-clock booking availability makes it convenient for clients to schedule sessions whenever it suits them.

Offer attractive discount codes.

Attract and retain clients with NeetoCal's discount code. Create and manage codes for promotions, seasonal offers, or loyalty rewards. Easily share discounts to boost bookings and keep your salon busy.

Accept payment ahead of sessions.

NeetoCal makes handling payments a breeze. Clients can pay for their salon services online at the time of booking, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free transaction. Our secure payment processing system keeps financial details safe.

Frequently asked questions

How can clients book a salon appointment with NeetoCal?

Clients can easily book a session through your personalized booking page, which they can access from your website or social media profiles. They can check your availability, pick a time, and book instantly.

Can I customize my booking page to reflect my salon’s brand?

Absolutely! NeetoCal lets you personalize your booking page to match your salon’s style. Showcase your services, share special offers, and create a cohesive and professional look that attracts clients.

How does NeetoCal help reduce no-shows for salon appointments?

NeetoCal sends automated email and SMS reminders to clients about their upcoming appointments. These reminders help ensure that clients don’t forget their sessions, significantly reducing the likelihood of no-shows.

Is it possible to collect specific client preferences before the appointment?

Yes, NeetoCal allows you to add custom questions during the booking process. This feature helps you gather important details about your clients’ preferences and requirements, so you can prepare thoroughly for each appointment and provide personalized service.

Ready to simplify your salon booking process?

Let's get started now.